When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. ~Sophia Loren,
Women and Beauty

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Year...New Physique

Now I don't know about you, but I have always struggled to find the motivation to work out. Every year, I would set resolutions around losing weight and getting that "beach bod" and I would always let myself down.

Needless to say, having a baby hasn't helped in the motivation department. Getting quality sleep has been challenge enough, let alone finding the energy to workout 5 days a week or attempt to take a class. People always told me I didn't even look pregnant and after I had the baby, the 25 pounds I gained virtually fell off. I was back in my old jeans two weeks after she was born and now I weigh slightly less than I did when I found out I was pregnant. However, I wanted more definition and tone. Even though I didn't look it, I felt flabby and out of shape.

When Sophia was a few weeks old, Christopher resumed his routine. He plays basketball Tues and Thurs at In Motion and is good about going regularly to Bikram Yoga. Therefore, it was virtually impossible for me to go as well. Between our work schedules, we both can't do it. So, since her birth I have taken the backseat to exercise. Looking back over the past four months, it wasn't the best idea but what was most important to me was being with Sophia (Side note: My second child (if I have one) will be born in spring so I can enjoy outdoor activity with her). Therefore, until I get into more of a groove with our schedules, exercise will have to come in the form of workout dvd's. Now we've all done it....bought into the silly infomercials in hopes of looking like the fitness models endorsing the product. However, I really needed to find something I could do in the comfort and ease of my own home around Sophia's napping schedule or early in the morning before she wakes. I was determined to find the perfect one...

Well....I FOUND IT!!!

I have always been ENVIOUS of Kelly Ripa's arms. I mean Good God...the woman has three kids and has a morning tv show. Granted her income surpasses mine ten times over and she most likely has a personal trainer and chef, but if you she do it, so can I, right?

Come to find out, she loves this little studio call Physique 57 in New York. She swears by it....loving how it has completely transformed her body and how addicting and fun it is. They are exclusively in NYC, but after doing my research I discovered they recently produced DVD's. Body transformation all while having fun? That's definitely worth the 40 bucks and I gave in.

The dvd's arrived and as Chris picked them up from the doorstep, and when I explained what they were he just rolled his eyes. I told him I would GLADLY trade places and I could go to Bikram Yoga and basketball 4-5 times a week and he could stay home with Sophia and eat. Well it's no wonder that he quickly changed his tune...lol.

So, after a very hectic first week back at work, balancing 43+ hours and maintaining my quality time with Sophia, I did my first full body Physique 57 workout yesterday. And OH WOW is all I can say! I desperately underestimated just how great it would be and how soe I would be. It literally worked every area. It's a ballet inspired exercise program. Using a ballet bar (or the back of your couch), 3 and 5 lb weights and a floor mat, you work each body part (until atrophy, basically) and then you stretch it out. The result is long, lean, strong muscles. It's only been two days and two workouts but I can already feel a difference (and hopefully I will see one very soon).

I know it will take a while to get Kelly Ripa's defined arms but I am not stopping until I do. The workout is 57 minutes long, but it's over before you know it...and it's FUN. Truly the best at home workout I have done thus far.

So it's a new year and a new me...sooner than later. I laugh hysterically at the concept of "MILF" but what I want....a defined, toned and lean body...is definitely within reach! I took a "before" pic and hopefully will post a great "after" one so you can see the results first hand!

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!

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