When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. ~Sophia Loren,
Women and Beauty

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is it Friday yet?

I used to never completely understand the meaning behind "Hump Day." I mean, what's so great about Wednesday?

Well, as of this evening, the meaning is crystal clear.

Quite a week this has been. After being off for four months, I ventured back into the work world. Trying to start where I left off was much harder than I anticipated; I definitely underestimated the amount of energy and patience it would take to get back in the groove of things.

My one saving grace is my mama. She has been very generous to Christopher and I and has volunteered to come in three days a week to watch Sophia. I honestly couldn't ask for more. She gets to stay in the comfort of her own home, she gets 100% of "grandma" attention, and to make the deal that much sweeter, she helps around the house and cooks meals. I came home yesterday and her nursery was immaculate, all her old clothes were washed, folded and put away for storage and she completely organized her closet. I have never seen the nursery so organized. She also completed all the laundry, did the dishes and found a way to keep Sophia happy (and sleeping) in her crib. THANK YOU MAMA...you have saved me much anguish, stress and many tears!

Therefore, today was going to be a GREAT day! The weather wouldn't be, but I wouldn't let it bring me down. Got to work, acclimated myself with most of everything and opened the store. 45 minutes later, the power went out and stayed out for 2.5 hours. Hannah and I sat in a dark empty store while waiting to hear if we would be headed home. No luck there...the power came on right before I had to head out to the pediatrician to see about Sophia's incessant coughing and congestion. So my lunch break consisted of no food. and unfortunately no great news. She was diagnosed with a case of Bronchiolitis, an infection of the bronchioles, the small air passages in the lungs. The small red dots under her eyes were actual broken capillaries, which were attributed to her heavy coughing. She also has a minor ear infection. Anything else? The doctor gave me a nebulizer to take home and showed me how to give her treatments in order to open and clear her air passages. She cried through the whole nebulizer treatment at the doctor, and it wasn't much better at home.

After the appt, mama dropped me back off at work. She picked me up around 6 and just when I didn't think laughing was a possibility, she saved the day once again. As we were driving home, she told me about the great dinner she had made...a spring spinach salad, blackened cajun salmon steaks, and mushroom rice. "Mushroom rice?" I said. "Oops!" she said (laughing). "Oh yeah, you aren't the daughter who likes mushrooms" (more laughing)!!!" My sister LOVES them, and I despise them. Looks like I'm not the only one losing her mind this week...lol. Needless to say, dinner was not a favorite of mine, but Christopher loved it so that's all that matters.

After a VERY painstakingly long day, I now view "Hump Day" as a great thing...good riddance to the past three!

And Thursday...Bring it on...I can take it!!!

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