When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. ~Sophia Loren,
Women and Beauty

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My resolution(s)

It's the first day back at home in 2010...what a crazy thing. I remember as a young child thinking the year 2000 was so far away. I thought by now there would be flying cars and (like in Star Trek) I would be able to "beam up" my own food. While cars definitely aren't flying, time sure is. I am a mom!!! Still finding it hard to swallow that notion, but something even harder to believe is that Sophia will be four months old shortly and I will once again be returning the work force. I am still unsure how I will maintain the quality time I have with her and balance a 40+ work week in retail, but as the old saying goes "where there's a will, there's a way". In the mean time I will continue to buy my biweekly lottery ticket in hopes of one day never having to work and spending as much time as I can with my child(ren).

So for the next two weeks until reality settles back in, I have decided to create a few resolutions that I will...yes...stick to. They say the average person will break his/her resolution by Feb 17th, so here's to hoping these three will suffice much longer. Here we go...

1) Keep friends and family updated on Sophia's daily adventures, silly moments and amazing milestones. How will I do this in this crazy, "not enough time in one day" life I live? Enter the reason for this blog! I will try to post something each day if not every few days to give my friends and family a look into her life and how I am managing it all.

2) Plan a weekly dinner menu. While I was visiting with our great friends JR and Erin Lotto, I found that Erin planned out the week's meals in advance. She has a framed blank Sun-Sat menu board where she writes out each night's dinner. I will be able to form dinner around whatever I already have or shop accordingly for what I need. It will make things much easier and cheaper when shopping at the grocery store. When I go back to work full time, I will be working more closing shifts during the week in order to accommodate less needed daycare between Christopher and I which is great. However, I will need to cook dinner for Christopher and Sophia in advance and making Sophia's food on my own from fresh fruits and veggies is a decision I made long ago. Therefore, a system like this will definitely work to my advantage. This is a resolution I can stick to...I know it!

3) Let go of the days of brand names! Becoming a mother has truly changed my perception of the good life. When I was younger, weekends spent at the mall was the norm and as I got older I always wanted the "best"... name brands, designer purses, the works! This was also attainable by having to support just myself with my current salary and on a measly amount of rent. Times have undoubtedly changed. With a new house (and mortgage) and a new baby, comes a new way of thinking. While I am VERY thankful for the job I have, I still do not make enough to live the ways of the past and give everything I can (and want) to Sophia. Now when I shop, my focus has shifted to her as it should. I will instead learn the ways of saving and look to the bigger picture of family vacations and traveling to visit friends and family. For example, Old Navy has become my favorite place to shop for Sophia (inexpensive clothes for an ever changing size). Now don't get me wrong, I love my jeans. Nothing beats a nice pair and I will still have a few but the overall consistency of shopping will decrease in order to provide the life I want for my family.

So there you have it...my New Year resolutions...all attainable with some planning and thought. So as I take down the Christmas decorations, box up 2009, and create a new photo file for 2010, all in all I am content. I never thought my life in 2010 would be this way, but I honestly couldn't ask for better.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and much love!

1 comment:

  1. oh, I absolutely love that you are doing this!!!! I love blogs and this one is fantastic. Stick with it girl, you rock!
